/** @module dbInfo */

var $npm = {
  debug: require('debug')('db-migration:dbInfo')

const table = "CREATE TABLE pg_migration_dbinfo  \
(                                                \
  key VARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,                   \
  value VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL                     \
const tableNotFound = '42P01';
const seedRow = "INSERT INTO pg_migration_dbinfo (key, value) VALUES ('db_version', '0.0.0');";

 * Manage the meta data for the migration. Tracks the version and returns said version as a
 * promise. If the table (called pg_migration_dbinfo) doesn't exist, it'll be created.
 * @author Frank Villasenor
 * @param conn - A valid Database instance
 * @returns {promise} A promise with the result {version: {string}}
module.exports = function(conn) {
  return conn
    .one("SELECT key, value FROM pg_migration_dbinfo WHERE key = 'db_version';")
    .then(function (queryResult) {
      $npm.debug('Received query results. Returing ', queryResult.value);
      return {version: queryResult.value};
    }).catch(function(er) {
      $npm.debug('caught error');
      if(er.code == tableNotFound || er.name == 'QueryResultError') {
        $npm.debug('Either the table was not found or it is empty. Creating...');
        //create the DB.
        return conn
          .then( function(result) {
            return conn
              .then(function () {
                $npm.debug('Created. Returning 0.0.0');
                return { version: '0.0.0' };